Christ Church Primary School Ealing London

Christ Church C of E Primary School

Christ Church C of E Primary School

This Church school is very popular, and located at the heart of Ealing Broadway (difficult for car drop-offs). It takes children from the age of 7-11, being fed from its associated school, St Saviour's which is only a couple of minutes walk away near the Ealing Broadway Centre. It has a 3 class entry.

The school's OFSTED report in February 2004 reported in summary, "Christ Church is a good school in which pupils are highly valued and fully included in all aspects
of school life. Its very strong caring and sharing ethos results in the very effective personal
development of pupils. They achieve well and make good progress in their learning. Pupils’
standards of attainment in the national tests at the end of Year 6 are well above average in English and above average in mathematics and science. The school is led and managed by a good headteacher, who is well supported by his effective deputy and senior staff. All staff work hard to raise standards for pupils."

In 2003 the school was awarded a Schools Achievement Award.

Contact details

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New Broadway, Ealing,
W5 2XA





(020) 8567 6252