Police in Chiswick


The Anti-Graffiti Initiative

Despite ending up with an unwanted Gareth Southgate (full story) the first Graffiti Clean Up Day in Chiswick was a massive success with a huge turnout by local people. Inspector Mike Nicholls sees initiatives like this as a key part of local policing. The Chiswick Area Committee part funded the scheme with a £500 grant. Hounslow council have been so encouraged by the popularity of the scheme that they are considering setting up a permanent unit.

Why remove graffiti?

It has been shown that if graffiti is left on property, it will;

  • Attract more graffiti
  • Decrease the value of your property
  • Create ugliness
  • Lower the tone of the area
  • Have an adverse affect against commerce

Studies in America have shown that the quick removal of graffiti is very discouraging to the 'artist'. A graffiti 'artist' wants their work to be seen by as many people as possible in the most prominent areas. Swift removal takes this from them and may deter them from continuing in that area.

Graffiti Clean up day 6th July

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Related links
Before and after Graffiti clean up day in Turnham Green Terrace