CRIME IN CHISWICK A report published by the Hounslow Community Safety Partnership has for the first time revealed detailed figures on crime within individual Chiswick wards. The report concludes that Chiswick is "not a significant crime hot-spot" but points to the particularly high level of vehicle crime. For the borough as a whole crime was down 7% in the period covered by the report (year to March 2001) but this was compared to an alarming rise the year before. Car crime is falling but street crime is rising at a rapid rate. This can be partly attributed to the number of thefts of mobile phones. The percentage of crimes committed in Chiswick as a proportion of the total in Hounslow was roughly in line with the percentage of households in this area. The crimes that were more prevalent in Chiswick were car related or street crimes i.e. muggings. One of the most notable figures in the report was the level of burglaries in Chiswick Homefields which was one of the highest in the borough.
The Community Safety Partnership is, amongst other things, seeking to have 25% borough coverage by Neighbourhood Watch schemes. They are also looking at recommendations for developing CCTV though it is felt by local ward councillors that the likelihood of this being introduced in Chiswick in the short term is low. Crime in borough falls but muggings in Chiswick "a problem"