Consultation on a CPZ for Haverfields

Combining existing Hounslow Homes' and public parking

Hounslow Housing and the Council's Traffic Team have received complaints from residents regarding obstructive and indiscriminate parking in the Haverfields and Brentford Towers area which is reportedly being caused by non-residential parking.

These complaints have resulted in some residents requesting the introduction of a controlled parking zone (CPZ). This would be a single CPZ covering Haverfields and Brentford Towers area.

As a result, a 'detailed design' consultation has now been launched with residents to determine whether there is wider support for the introduction of parking controls.

The detailed design consultation gives residents the opportunity to assess the proposed scheme before indicating whether you support the introduction of a CPZ or not.  

The suggested operational hours are the same as those for Brook Road South CPZ: a mid-morning hour (10-11am, Monday-Friday), a later evening hour (7-8pm, Monday-Friday) and a Saturday match day hour (2.30-3.30pm). The purpose of these times are to prevent daytime parking from commuters, local businesses and residents from nearby developments in your roads during the week, and football supporters from parking during Saturday or midweek matches.

Haverfields Area

The proposed CPZ incorporates both the adopted public highway and Hounslow Housing parking areas.

Brentford Towers

The consultation is open until 2nd November and you can download full details and the consultation. Comments can be emailed to

November 1, 2016