Brentford Thru My Lens Holds Photographic Exhibition 'Bygone Brentford'

Outdoor event is being hosted by the London Museum of Water & Steam

Brentford Thru My Lens Holds Photographic Exhibition 'Bygone Brentford'
Adam Jeby jailed for four years

There is a chance to be transported back in time to the bygone days of Brentford in an exhibition taking place at the London Museum of Water & Steam.

Created by Brentford Thru My Lens this provides a chance to see the streets and buildings you know so well through the lenses of the past.

Karen Reader of Brentford Thru My Lens has been taking local photographs for over 20 years. Her Facebook page began in 2016 and it is the place she shares both new and historic images of our town (also on Twitter @brentfordthrumylens). She is passionate about researching local history and also showing through a medium she loves how much Brentford has to be proud of.

The outdoor exhibition is open Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays 11am – 3pm until 26 September.

September 4, 2020