Riverside Gallery hosts sixth form students' digital work
‘Through the Lens’ is the first digital exhibition brought to you by Brentford School for Girls. The work has been created by sixth form students who developed their own personal work and often responded to the work of other artists and photographers as they explore a chosen theme.
Selected work covers different themes such as portraiture, man-made or natural and records fleeting moments where other photographs have been manipulated digitally or by hand and students have looked at the flexibility and constraints of the medium of photography.
This diverse selection of photographs show the versatility of the subject and the notion that artwork can act as a window into another persons’ perception of a moment in time.
The Art Exhibition is at Watermans' Riverside Gallery from January 10 - February 26 with a Private View on January 11 6-8pm.
For more information please contact Liz Gers (Community Coordinator) at lgers@brentford.hounslow.sch.uk
January 12, 2018