Fundraising Meal for Disability Network Hounslow

Support excellent charity struggling to survive funding cuts

Fundraising meal

Disabililty Network Hounslow

Disability Network Hounslow will hold a fundraising meal and entertainment on Sunday, 25 June, from 12pm to 4.45pm at Kingsway Banqueting, 270 Bath Road, Hounslow, TW4 7DF.

There will be an Indian meal and live music, and all ages are welcome.  Tickets are £12 and must be reserved in advance.

Email or text Ashi Dhillon on 07403 134747 to reserve your tickets. Cheques should be sent to DNH, 63-65 Bell Road, Hounslow TW3 3NX.

Despite having just two part-time staff this charity supports and provides essential benefits and disability rights advice and information to over 2,000 people every year! So you can be sure that your donations and any time and effort you put into supporting DNH will be put to the best possible use.

All profits will go to Disability Network Hounslow, Charity number 1097010.

DNH office phone: 020 8577 0956
Disability Network Hounslow website

May 5, 2017