Changes to bus stops by Windmill Road junction with Orchard Road
Windmill Road bus stops (Google StreetView)
The proposal is to introduce ‘Bus Stop Clearway’ road markings at two bus stops on Windmill Road in Brentford (B452).
As detailed on the plan below, in addition to the proposed Clearway markings these proposals also include the creation of new footway paving area, the removal of a bike stand, and the relocation of a bus stop flag and pole.
These changes are being proposed in order to prevent other vehicles from stopping or parking at the bus stops; enabling buses to reach the kerbside more easily and safely.
These proposals would help improve accessibility for all bus passengers and in particular enable people with disabilities and wheelchair users to board and leave the bus more easily and safely.
Your comments can be sent either by email to the Traffic team at: quoting 'Windmill Road BSA' in the subject line or in writing to Windmill Road (BSA) - Consultation;
Traffic & Transport;
Regeneration, Economic Development & Environment;
Civic Centre;
Lampton Road;
TW3 4DN.
Comments should be received no later than Monday 27 August.
Consultation feedback will be summarised and presented to Ward Councillors for consideration later in the year. If approved, the bus stop proposals will be carried out by the end of 2018.
August 3, 2018