Acton Park to fly green flag

Park given the prestigious award by Civic Trust

Acton Park is celebrating the announcement of The Civic Trust's 2005 Green Flag Award winners.

The park will fly the flag in 2005, after winning this prestigious award.

The independent Green Flag Award is presented annually to parks that have reached the national standard and has become the benchmark against which the quality of public parks and green spaces can be measured. To win, a park has to be well managed, have good environmental practices and be well used and highly thought of by the public.This is the second year in a row Acton Park has been recognised.

Cabinet member for Streets and Environment, Cllr John Delaney, said: "I am delighted by our twin triumph and congratulate the Parks and Countryside Service on their dedication and enthusiasm. Parks and green spaces play an essential role in fostering sustainable and happy communities and Ealing Council is committed to delivering high-quality open spaces to its residents."

The Civic Trust uses eight criteria to judge the Green Flag Awards: a welcoming place; healthy, safe and secure; well maintained and clean; sustainability; conservation and heritage; community involvement; marketing; and, management.

A programme of improvement works is continuing in Acton Park, including refurbishing the tennis courts, installing new seats and bins over the next six months and planting new trees and shrubs through winter.

November 8, 2004

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